Sunday, December 25, 2011

Our Nuzha Show room

Nuzha Outlet

Nuzha Outlet

Branded chocolates on display

Chocolates on display

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Arab Snacks for Party treats

Felafil toast
We are one of the leading Chocolate shops in Kuwait familiar among Kuwaitees with selling first quality imported chocolate and home made coffee sweets (Hallu Gawa) with delicious fillings and different designs in reasonable prices. For variety of Coffee sweets ( Hallu Gawa) with traditional sweets fillings such as Kamar Aldin (Dried Apricot Paste), Rehash( Hallwa Thahinia), Halwa Bahraini, Tamar( Dates fruits)and a variety of Guraibas (Arab Traditional cookies).
Our experts are preparing  Fatair ( Arab snacks) for party treats. Some of them are shown below.........

Ready for delivery

Different kinds of snacks

Tart, Warag Inab, Salads etc